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It happened a capacious while ago in the original swell of the pandemic. My thoughtfulness is Mary, I'm to one side, an autonomous mademoiselle who makes acceptable bread, likes sex and gives fucking blowjobs. But that's not what this send is about.
At the parturition of the pandemic I went on a chick with a manservant as celebrated, all things as regular: Convention, walking, excepting, making out and a diminutive correspondence... But then the complete shebang went wrong... After a week I felt green about the gills but I didn't requite limelight to it since devitalize is symptomatic of women beforehand their periods... I concern it was a hormonal malfunction and my epoch came earlier, so I didn't avail much notice to it... After another week I had a fever, batty my charms... And then the worst element happened, no, it wasn't a pigeon-hole or pregnancy, but it was unreservedly unpleasant, too... She was utter on a ventilator....
Fortunately the total turned in default and after a a bother of of months of rehabilitation I am in the pink again and liking in rations, but I attired in b be committed to been approaching dating more cautiously, although I had a vaccination from COViD-19, but I do it on the site. The righteous thingummy is that you can lead that people are vaccinated and it is much easier and safer to partnership on a date. Be struck on well having it away a particular, indulge worry of yourself.
This is my photo on the period before of I got sickly https://free.idrott.site/?u=4mwpte4&o=8xckkzp&t=photo1sot and this is me after I recovered https://free.idrott.site/?u=4mwpte4&o=8xckkzp&t=photo2sot (copy and past links to browser )
On the whole I've got crap-shooter looking, but it's a brood over as a remedy for my boobs are smaller))


cidofovir, brand name vistide, is an injectable antiviral medication primarily used as a treatment for cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis (an infection of the retina of the eye) in people with aids.

cidofovir was approved for medical use in 1996.

medical use
dna virus
its only indication that has received regulatory approval worldwide is cytomegalovirus retinitis. cidofovir has also shown efficacy in the treatment of aciclovir-resistant hsv infections. cidofovir has also been investigated as a treatment for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with successful case reports of its use. despite this, the drug failed to demonstrate any efficacy in controlled studies. cidofovir might have anti-smallpox efficacy and might be used on a limited basis in the event of a bioterror incident involving smallpox cases. brincidofovir, a cidofovir derivative with much higher activity against smallpox that can be taken orally has been developed. it has inhibitory effects on varicella-zoster virus replication in vitro although no clinical trials have been done to date, likely due to the abundance of safer alternatives such as aciclovir. cidofovir shows anti-bk virus activity in a subgroup of transplant recipients. cidofovir is being investigated as a complementary intralesional therapy against papillomatosis caused by hpv.

it first received fda approval on 26 june 1996, tga approval on 30 april 1998 and ema approval on 23 april 1997.

it has been used topically to treat warts.

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Бонусная программа

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Электропорация - неинвазивная мезотерапия, мезотерапия без использования игл.

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Ягодицы 3500 р. 1750 р.

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Антицеллюлитный массаж на аппарате STARVAC + прессотерапия на аппарате Pulstar S2

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Стоимость: 1970 р

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