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Construction of saunas and baths on a turnkey basis. Bathhouse wooden mobile round with a roof and a wood stove, the so-called bath barrel (barrel sauna), designed for family use in the country house, country house, garden plot.

And also ideally suited for commercial use in small campsites, campsites, the organization of green tourism. Easy installation makes it called a mobile bath. Mounting ready-made cedar sauna - barrels do not require specially reinforced foundations, which improves its economical design compared to the standard, stationary baths. Install a ready-made sauna from a bar is a suitable site prepared in advance of tiles or paving stones.

It will be a fine decoration of your plot, a business card for your country's estate. It takes up little space, only 10.8 m2, making it possible to place it on a tiny plot and easily fit between trees and other buildings. Even so, the round wooden bathhouse is quite functional and allows you to enjoy the steam room for two to five people.

With a total length of 4.5 m, the size of the steam room is 2 m, the length of the room - 1.2 m, the veranda with benches -1.2 m. A round wooden bathhouse is structurally composed of a log-shaped pine 105x44 mm, vapor barrier, mineral wool 50 mm insulation, hydro panel, and is covered with clapboard inside.

The sauna barrel is equipped with a wood-burning stove and an external firebox PKB-Bochka 20 m3 Canada Vesuvius (included in price). The shallow firebox is used for the more excellent safety of visitors, to minimize debris, and to save the mobile bath's generous space. Initially, our design provides for installing a tank for heating water on the samovar principle above the stove (included in price).

For perfect heat preservation and compliance with fire safety rules in addition lined steam room Besides this sauna, the barrel can be equipped with an electric stove, significantly reducing the cost of sauna barrels. The roof of the wooden sauna barrel sheathed water-resistant plywood and was covered with asphalt shingles.

All materials are treated with linseed oil with natural Canadian wax. The oil is eco-friendly ideal for all family members, including children. The bath is equipped with two glass doors with a lock latch. The bath has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and is easy to use, thanks to the glass door. It is also essential for more light access.

The entire structure of the circular wooden bath is fastened with adjustable stainless steel ties, and this allows you to keep said structure in proper shape regardless of weather conditions. The ends are decorated with windbreaks.

The barrel bath in the standard version is equipped with a viewing window in the steam room heated steam room for 25-30 minutes. A round shape steam room allows you to produce a sweat room heating much faster than in square or rectangular rooms due to the absence of acute angles. For water drainage in the bath, the barrel provides drainage holes in the floor.

Delivered to the customer the object wooden barrel bath from the shop assembled and ready for operation. Additional opportunities:- increasing diameter and length of the tub;- a porch;- an additional external visor above the entrance;- a box for firewood;- electric wiring. The price for baths barrel is indicated with an outer diameter of 2,4 m, complete with wood-burning stove PKB-Box 20 Canada Vesuvio, a boiler for water heating, double isolation of the steam room.

At this link, you can read about the structure of the circular bath - https://cedar-sauna.blogspot.com

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